Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Sulphur - Global Cycles

Edited by:

B. H. Svensson, Department of Microbiology, Agricultural College, Upsala, Sweden


R. Soderlund, Department of Economics, Agricultural College, Upsala, Sweden

Report from a project on Biogeochemical Cycles initiated by the
Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment (SCOPE) of ICSU

Arranged by the Swedish SCOPE Committee of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
Orsundsbro, Sweden, December 1975

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Title Pages

Series Preface

Table of Contents

Editors' Preface -- B. H. Svensson & R. Soderlund

Preamble -- J.W.M. la Riviere & V.A. Kovda

Man and biogeochemical cycles: impacts, problems and research needs -- E. Eriksson & T. Rosswall

Transfer processes and time scales in biogeochemical cycles --
B. Bolin

The global nitrogen cycle -- R. Soderlund & B. H. Svensson

The global phosphorus cycle - U. Pierrou

The global sulphur cycle -- L. Granat, R.O. Hallberg & H. Rodhe

Biogeochemical cycles of elements in some natural zones of the European USSR -- T. I. Evdokimova, L. A. Grishina, V.D. Vasilyevskaya, E.M. Samoilova & T.L. Bystriskaya

The internal nitrogen cycle between microorganisms, vegetation and soil -- T. Rosswall

An economic analysis of nitrogen leaching caused by agricultural activities -- K.I. Kumm

Rates of soil erosion -- E.T. Degens, A. Paluska & E. Eriksson

List of Participants