Environmental Sciences in Developing Countries

Summary Reports and Recommendations

SCOPE/UNEP Symposium on Environmental Sciences in Developing Countries
Nairobi, February 11-23, 1974

Editor: Daniel M. Dworkin

SCOPE Report 4
Indianapolis, Indiana, U.S.A., 1974

Click on a Topic number to open pdf.

Opening Address to UNEP/SCOPE Symposium - Mosafa Tolba
Opening Address to UNEP/SCOPE Symposium - M. Kassas

Summary Reports and Recommendations

Topic 1. Environmental Aspects of Agricultural Development

Topic 2. Environmental Aspects of Land Use in Semi-arid
and Sub-humid Regions

Topic 3. Integrated Pest Control

Topic 4. Integrated River Basin Development

Topic 5. National Parks and Nature Reserves

Topic 6. Environmentally Oriented Industrial Planning

Topic 7. Environmentally Oriented Planning for
Human Settlement

Topic 8. Population and Demographic Problems

Topic 9. Environmental Education and Training

Topics 10 and 11. National Institutional Arrangements
and Regional and International Coordination

Topic 12. Alternative Patterns of Development

Appendix A. List of Participants

Appendix B. List of Abbreviations